how to be a Good Friend

Are You a Good Friend? A Checklist ✔️

Are You a Good Friend?

Are you a good friend? In order to have good friends, you must be a good friend. 

Healthy female friendships in young girls typically exhibit several key traits: 

1. Trust:

Friends feel safe sharing personal thoughts and feelings without fear of betrayal. 

2. Support:

Friends encourage and help each other through good and bad times. 

3. Respect:

Friends value each other's opinions and differences. 

4. Honesty:

Friends communicate openly and truthfully. 

5. Empathy:

Friends understand and share each other’s feelings. 

6. Fun:

Friends enjoy spending time together and have fun. 

7. Conflict Resolution:

Friends can resolve disagreements calmly and fairly. 

 To be a good friend, our girls can: 

1. Listen Actively: Pay attention when her friend is talking and show that she cares. 

2. Be Reliable: Keep promises and be there when her friend needs her. 

3. Show Kindness: Be kind and considerate in words and actions. 

4. Respect Boundaries: Understand and respect her friend's personal space and limits. 

5. Be Honest: Share feelings and thoughts honestly while being considerate of her friend's feelings. 

6. Offer Support: Be supportive during tough times and celebrate her friend’s successes. 

7. Apologize When Necessary: Admit mistakes and apologize sincerely when wrong. 

By embodying these behaviors, our girls can foster strong, healthy, and lasting friendships.
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